On Monday, June 22, Winterfeldt IP Group associate Griffin Barnett participated on a panel held during the ICANN 68 virtual policy forum meeting to discuss the ICANN public interest commitments (PICs) and associated PIC Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP). The PICs are contractual provisions between ICANN and new gTLD registry operators intended to protect Internet end users and the DNS ecosystem from certain specified harms including malware, phishing, trademark and copyright infringement, and fraudulent and deceptive practices. However, the IP owner community that we represent has long felt that these provisions have not been adequate to address these harms, nor are they being enforced by ICANN in a meaningful way. During this panel, we provided our views on these issues, particularly through the lens of our experience handling the first-ever PICDRP that resulted in a decision of the independent PICDRP standing panel relating to the .FEEDBACK new gTLD registry. You can review the recorded panel discussion here. #icann #icann68 #picdrp #dns