June 5, 2024
Brian Winterfeldt

GLINTA 2024: Special Thanks to the Fabulous DJ Dan Slater!

External Article

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Our 2024 GLINTA event, held on May 21, 2024 during the 2024 INTA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, was truly our best yet! With over 300 attendees and several fantastic guest speakers, we are so very touched to that so many members of the global trademark industry demonstrated their enthusiastic support for the LGBTQ+ trademark community.

The evening definitely would not have been the same without the upbeat and energetic musical stylings of our excellent DJ, Dan Slater, who generously donated his time and skills to GLINTA! In order to allow everyone a flavor of the GLINTA experience at home, Dan has also prepared a podcast and playlist for you to enjoy at your convenience. Please access it through the following Soundcloud link: DJ Dan Slater's Podcast and Playlist

We are always looking to welcome new members to the GLINTA community - and it is not too early to start allocating your support for our next event! To learn more about joining GLINTA, or for information on future sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us at glinta@winterfeldt.law.  We also will be working on the 2024 GLINTA Directory - so if you know any new members of the LGBTQ+ community who would like to join the group, please have them reach out to us requesting to be added to our mailing list and new directory!

Thank you again for making GLINTA 2024 such a special event this year.   We look forward to hearing from you about possible sponsorships for 2025, as well as outreach from new members, and can’t wait to see all of you at our next GLINTA annual celebration in San Diego next year!

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