June 16, 2024
Brian Winterfeldt

Happy Father's Day

External Article

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At Winterfeldt IP Group, we recognize the importance of celebrating the fathers and father figures who inspire us, both in our professional lives and personal journeys. On this special day, we extend our heartfelt wishes to all the dads, and those who stand in for dads, who guide, support, and nurture with unwavering dedication.

Fatherhood often parallels the principles we uphold in intellectual property law—protection, guidance, and fostering growth. 

Whether you're guiding your family, mentoring in the workplace, or contributing to innovation and creativity, your role is invaluable.

To all the fathers and father figures who are part of our team, clients, and community, thank you for your tireless effort and dedication. Your contributions extend beyond the office, making a profound impact in your homes and communities.

Today, let’s honor the wisdom, strength, and love that fathers and their surrogates bring into our lives. Happy Father’s Day!

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